March 2018 Luncheon & Fashion Show
Location: Double Tree Hotel.
From L-R: Joyce Reedy - Program Chairman, Tanaquil Bomar - Penney's Commentator , and Sarah Craven - Fashion chairman
Participating Models From L-R: Medori Hammer, Dawn Hammer, Becky Phillips, Carolyn Walker, Kathy Wilson, Mary Childs, and Renee Robinson
Our Models on the floor...
Renee Robinson
Becky Phillips
Mary Child
Medori Hammer
From L-R: Medori Hamner, Dawn Hamner, and Kathy Wilson
Christmas Tree Lighting - December 1, 2017
Location: Oak Ridge Community Center
ORWC Coordinators from L to R: Dawn Hammer, Virginia Brock,
Kathy Wilson and Mary Childs.
Refreshments and cookies were provided by the ORWC members.
Attendees enjoying the Music
Oak Ridge Community Band, Dale Pendley, Director
Linden Elementary Choir, Erica Hixson, Dirrector
October 2017 Luncheon
Location: First Christian Church.
Guest Speaker: Matt Hinkin - WATE Channel 6 Weather Man
Head Table - Clockwise: Betty Eason, Virginia Brock,
Mary Childs, Carolyn Walker, Becky Phillips, Joan
Sweitzer, & Joyce Reedy.
May 2017 Luncheon & Installation of Officers
Location: First Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
The members enjoyed our musical entertainer Clay Jordan
Sponsored by the Program Committee: Rear L to R: Carolyn Walker,
Betty Eason, Mary Childs, Doloris Pullum, and seated L to R: Sarah Craven and Joyce Reedy.
ORWC Members enjoying the luncheon...
L to R, Mary Cross, Ida Hageman, & Deloris Pullum
L to R, Kay Moss, Kay Sweitzer, Lula Bartholomew, Shirley Destefano, & Joan Cassens
L to R, Glendora Tweed & Caroline Diggs
L to R, Erica Hixson, Virginia Brock, & Dale Pendley
L to R, Kathy Wilson & Dawn Hammer
L to R, Beckey Phillips, Carolyn Walker, & Sarah Craven
Our ORWC 2017-2018 Officers
2017-2018 Officers, standing L to R, Virginia Brock (President), Betty Eason (1st Vice
President), Carolyn Walker (Recording Secretary), Becky Phillips (Corresponding Secretary),
& front row L to R, Joan Sweitzer (Treasurer), & Mary Child (2nd Vice President).
March 2017 Luncheon & Fashion Show
Location: Double Tree Hotel.
From L-R: Joyce Reedy, Program Chairman and Sarah Craven, Fashion chairman
Participating Models From L-R: Dawn Hammer, Medori Hammer, Kathy Wilson, Joan Cassens, and Renee Robinson
ORWC Members enjoying the Fashion Show...
Our Models on the floor...
Becky Phillips
Renee Robinson
Mary Child
Medori Hammer
From L-R: Kathy Wilson, Daughter Dawn Hammer, and Granddaughter Medori Hammner
December 2016 Annual Tree Lighting
Location: Oak Ridge Civic Center.
From L to R: Mayor Warren Gooch, Jenny Caughman, ORWC President Virginia Brock, Recreation & Parks Director Pat Sloan, and City Mananger Mark Watson
Tree-Lighting participants
Linden Elementary Choir Directed by Erica Hixon
ORWC refreshments organized by Kathy Wilson and Dawn Hamner of the Civic Affairs Committee with cookies and service from many ORWC members.
L to R: Mary Child and Dawn Hamner
November 2016 General Meeting
Location: First Christian Church.
Sponsored by the Morning Book Club, From L to R in the rear: Joyce Reedy,
Betty Eason, Virginai Brook, Mary Child, Carolyn Walker, Becky Phillips and seated L to R: Joan
Swetzer and Ida Hagaman
Music Led by (from L to R) Therisa Mckendrik, Joyce Reedy (Program Chairman), Linda Diggs, and Barbara Spence
Virginia Brock, President of ORWC
LuLu Batholomew, Chairman of Tickets & Reservations Committee
September 2016 Annual Tea
Location: Alexander Guest House.
Joyce Reedy (R) Chairman and Sarah Craven (L) Co-chairman of the Program
Committee with Jean Stone(Seated), a resident of the Alexander Guest House.
ORWC Members enjoying the Annual Tea
3 Generations L to R: Kathy Wilson, Dawn Hammer, and Midon Hammer.
More ORWC Members enjoying the Annual Tea
May 2016 Luncheon & Installation of Officers
Location: First Presbyterian Church. Guest Speakers: Don & Emily Hunnicut
"History of Oak Ridge in the Pictures by Ed Wescott"
Standing: Joyce Reedy, Program Chairman
Sitting From L-R: Ed Wescott, Emily Hunnicut, Don Hunnicut
ORWC Members enjoying the luncheon
April 2016 Luncheon & Bridge Party
Location: First Christian Church.
From L-R: Alice Scott, Chairman & Photographer; Elaine Larcher, Co-chairman
ORWC Bridge Party Participants...
March 2016 Luncheon & Fashion Show
Location: Double Tree Hotel.
From L-R: Sarah Craven, Chairman and Joyce Reedy, Co-chairman
Participating Models From L-R: Pearl Bougrand, Renee Robinson, Lois Ward, Joan
Cassens, Becky Phillips, Mary Child, Lorraine Engel, and Betty Eason
Our Models on the floor...
May 2014 Luncheon & Installation of Officers
Location: Doubletree Hotel.
Joan Cassens, President 2013-14, (on the left), and Kathy Wilson, Civic Affairs Chair, (on the right)
present Girl's Inc. Executive Director Rhoni Basden (center), with a donation. Girl's Inc. was chosen to receive this donation because of their support and betterment opportunities for the girls in the community which follows the philosophies of the ORWC.
Some of our Members Enjoying the Luncheon
From L-R: Lorraine Engel, Joyce Reedy, Sarah Craven, Dawn Hammer, Kathy Wilson
Our Guest with our Members
From L-R: Girl's Inc. Executive Director - Rhoni Basden, Evelyn Moyers, Jean Stone.
March 2014 Luncheon & Fashion Show by Belk
Location: Doubletree Hotel.
Hospitality Committee from L-R: L-R Back Row: Mary Child, Barbara Wantland, and Betty Eason
Front Row: Joyce Reedy, Chairman of the Day Sarah Craven, and Evelyn Moyers
Not Pictured are Lorraine Engle, Mary Sue Harris Neikirk, and Kathy Wilson.
March 2012 Luncheon & Fashion Show by Belk
Location: Doubletree Hotel.
Our Models from L-R: Lorraine Engle, Becky Phillips, Glendora Tweed, Sarah Craven, Lois Ward, Betty Eason, Sherry Nobles, Joan Cassens, Barbara Wantland, Kathy Wilson, Midori Hammer & Dawn Hammer.
January 2012 Luncheon
Lunch was catered by Judy Dodd. Our program for this event was a performance by the Oak Ridge Academy of Dance.
Location: First Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
Sponsored by the Program Committee from L-R: Joan Sweitzer, Joyce Reedy, Becky Phillips, Barbara Wantland, Sarah Craven, Kathy Wilson, Margaret Pryor.
September 2011 - President's Tea and Reception
Location: First Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
Executive Board 2011-2012 from L-R: Kathy Wilson, Margaret Pryor, Joan Sweitzer, Barbara Wantland, & Becky Phillips.
May 2011 Luncheon and Installation of Officers:
ORWC Members enjoying the luncheon
The Mayor Tom Beehan and Billy Joe C. Our entertainers at Lakeside Grille
May 2009 Luncheon and Installation of Officers:
Danny Hutchins (Who travels with Charley Pride) played the key board at the Luncheon
From L-R: Joyce Reedy, Danny Hutchins and Sarah Craven
One of our guests, Miss Tennessee Contestant Aston Elizabeth Doane
Next to her from L-R: Joyce Reedy and Peggy Gouge
ORWC Members enjoying the luncheon
From L-R: Glendora Tweed, Margery Bolin, Margaret Fuller, and Virginia Cousins
Sarah Craven , left and Virginia Brock, right presenting a check to Dale Pendley (Director for the Oak Ridge Community Band)
From L-R: Kathy Wilson (Chairman of the Day), Sarah Craven (President) and Joyce Reedy (Program Chairman)
August 2009 After the Board Meeting:
Donating 24 bags of school supplies to ADFAC to be distributed to area school children.
From L-R: Joyce Reedy, Sarah Craven, Dianne Kane (Representative from ADFAC), Margaret Pryor and Katy Wilson